Dockweiler Slovenia
Ljubljanska cesta 13g
1236 Trzin
Quality is closely linked with our products and the manufacturing process. A T-piece for the semiconductor industry is, for instance, tested up to 50 times before it reaches the customer. All individual steps are continuously documented and archived. Our quality assurance guarantees the complete traceability of our products. Our customers have the option of accessing all relevant data online via the WebCert certified document management system.
Consulting and service are key components of Dockweiler quality. Expert and detailed knowledge of the relevant international specifications mean competent advice in the selection of the right products. Our engineers plan and develop customized components with you and support their implementation. This underscores that for us quality is much more than just making products.
We constantly look for ways to optimize and redesign products and processes with and for our customers. We support you with innovation in their applications, today and in the future.
We are uncompromising in our quality standards
Here microscope images (300:1) show our different surfaces - because often things are in detail.
Quality is no coincidence! We set and help to define standards. For more than 20 years we have been actively involved in all important international and standards committees.
Further information or a personal consultation? Our products and know-how are there to provide solutions.