The Executive Board is the management body of Dockweiler AG and the Dockweiler Group including all subsidiaries. We see ourselves as a German family-owned and managed company with an international focus.

Our primary goal is to maintain our company as a sustainable family business. We want to be our customers' preferred partner on their high-tech journey into the future.

Chief Financial Officer, Purchasing & Human Resources (CFO)

Susanna Fiebig 

Ms. Fiebig has been a member of the Executive Board since December 2024. 

Chief Sales & Operations Officer (CSO/COO)

Joakim Ericsson 

Joakim Ericsson has been a member of the Executive Board since July 2023 and is responsible for the Sales and Operations departments of the Dockweiler Group.

The graduated mechanical engineer has a very wide and long-term management experience and proven technology expertise for surface treatment and electropolishing. Mr. Ericsson has already been working for the Dockweiler Group since 2011 and was responsible as Managing Director for the establishment of Dockweiler Asia in Thailand as well as for the further development of the subsidiary Calamo AB in Sweden.

Our Supervisory Board

The Supervisory Board of the company has the following members:

  • Jens Nietner, Managing Director Dockweiler Edelstahl GmbH, Reinbek (Germany) - Chairman
  • Thomas Merk, Independent consultant, Berg (Germany) - Vice Chairman
  • Sonja Wilke, Merchant, Hamburg (Germany)
  • Julia Neth, Managing Director Dockweiler Edelstahl GmbH, Reinbek (Germany)
  • Peter Rieck, Management Consultant, Reinbek (Germany)